Theory by Drifting on 1/15/2023
The mysterious eye has shown up in the anime on several occasions, and as far as the manga, universally divided. To figure out it’s purpose, we must look at the beginning. Toneri mentioned that Boruto’s eye would “probably guide him.” This phrase is important, letting us know that it’s not guaranteed, but also has the potential. Look at the first appearance, Boruto’s jougan activates on it’s own in order to guide him to the Nue’s negative chakra. Sorta like how Sasuke’s mangekyou activated on it’s own to hit Tobi with the Amateratsu. In this instance we learned that Jougan can also see the weak points and the chakra network of whatever it pinpoints. So it could be possible that’s why it activated when Boruto was battling Shizama, not sure though. Next time after that, the jougan activated when it saw Momoshiki, and then Urashiki. First it activated when Boruto was attacking Momoshiki, so it’s possible it was showing Boruto the weak point, or even giving him enhanced perception like the Sharingan. It then activated as it glared at momoshiki when he placed the karma on Boruto. Next the Jougan appeared when Boruto needed to see Urashiki passing through timespace, watching portal open before then fully opened. And then lastely when Boruto attacked Urashiki with a rasengan.
So basically all these instances can either be shown to guide boruto with increased perception, seeing chakra networks, negative chakra, or timespace ripples. Or they guide him to weak points when he’s close up in combat. So what’s my point? I’m almost there.
None of these instances were shown to give Jougan any offensive capabilities. But instead gave Boruto knowledge to understand the situation much further, to unlock information he didn’t have access to otherwise. The way I see it, the Jougan isn’t some all powerful hax eye that gives you all the hax known in the universe. But instead it’s the ultimate key to all the doors in the universe. The ultimate key.
Think of the Universe as a complex computer system. Everything in this said universe is capable of being understood or discovered with enough time and research. However there was a source of power that could bypass this system, unlocking the system much easier, giving access to knowledge that would take years to obtain otherwise. A Backdoor per say. This is what I believe the Jougan is from a scientific perspective, for example Katatsuke or Amado explaining it to us. Let me make it more clear. The Sharingan was a very powerful eye in the Shinobi world, basically a counter to most, if not all situations thrown at it. When it came to ninjutsu, it could copy, when it came to genjutsu, it could bypass the illusion with ease, when it came to taijutsu, it could perceive and predict the movements before they were executed. The sharingan you could say was the key to winning each situation, or creating a…backdoor. But it had limitations, you could not see as far as the byakugan, or had 360 degree vision. You also could not see the Limbo clones like the rinnegan could either. The perception of these eyes allowed users to unlock knowledge they wouldn’t have otherwise. As far as the Uchiha tablet, this is in the literal sense. The further your eye was advanced, the more you could read the tablet. Isn’t that interesting? Doesn’t that indicate that the eyes are capable of translating encrypted information? It sounds like I’m about to say “the jougan is all these eyes combined” but that’s not it, i’m going to say the jougan is much more than that. It has a much larger scale.

Remember when Urashiki mentioned that the eye was “troublesome”? He didn’t say it was god’s ultimate power, but that it was more so annoying to deal with. So picture the jougan as to the Otsutsuki, what the Sharingan was to the Shinobi. ALL Otsutsuki(Shinobi) has Shinjutsu(Ninjutsu,genjutsu,taijutsu) but not ALL Otsutsuki(Shinobi) has a Jougan(Sharingan). This explains why it’s annoying, but not the end of the world for Urashiki or a huge surprise to Momoshiki.

The otsutsuki god panel. It’s not exactly confirmed that each eye was a jougan on there, but let’s pretend for a moment there is. If you research the inspiration of that panel, you’ll find an artist named “Alex grey.” This man’s entire art career is based around the idea of self divinity, or transcendence of the consciousness. He took inspiration from many religions for his creations. I’m not gonna dive into it you can research that yourself, but it as alot of imagery of the minds eye and evolution and other things that relates to Boruto.

Now imagine being able to peer into people’s consciousness with just a look, break down and understand Shinjutsu, open dimensional portals, maybe even see lifespans? But most importantly, what if you open the layers of reality? Remember Limbo? What if you could walk into that dimension? Or even throw jutsu into that dimension? If there’s different layers of reality, different planes of existence beyond what the human eye can perceive. I believe the jougan is the key to opening these hidden passageways, to transcending what we can understand. Yes…I’m saying the Jougan can lead to wherever Shibai is reserved. The Sharingan was a threat but wasn’t truly scary until those who knew how to exploit it’s true potential trained it and sharpened it’s abilities. I believe the Jougan is the same. It doesn’t have the offensive abilities, but the range of it’s perception far surpasses anything we’ve seen before. So maybe the reason the God panel seems to have so many Jougan, is because each Jougan represents an all seeing eye in every universe? As in the multiverse. Yes…that’s what multiple jougan would be needed in this instance. Because for every one Jougan, lies control over an entire universe if put into the right hands. Boruto’s eye is immature, but has infinite potential. Otsutsuki only seeks power, they don’t strengthen what they already have. This is Borut’s advantage, his ninja roots that will turn this already overpowered eye into the ultimate backdoor. The sharinan can unravel a fake reality, the jougan can unravel realities we can’t even understand.