Theory by Xeta on 22/04/2023
What is interesting about her eye pattern and the MS overall themes is that it does typically tie directly to lore of the sun goddess. ex: The sun goddess is often depicted back to back with her brother, the moon god. Boruto’s eye (jogan) is similar to the moon. They have also been depicted back to back (I think in either openings or endings for the show).
Back to the MS though. Her eyes look like a sun. That is obvious. Yet they also loosely look similar to this This particular mirror is tied to the sun goddess. Also mirrors in general represent truth. They reflect what is actually there. Rn the truth is overwritten. Perhaps one of the powers will be reflecting the correct memories she has of boruto onto others? The first person she will use it on (likely by mistake due to frustration) may be Mitsuki. Of course she can potentially undo general genjutsu under normal circumstances too, or put the caster within their own Jutsu. Speaking of that… there’s also potential for a similar reflection ability like Daemon can do if in fact the MS design is inspired by this mirror rather than just the sun. To make it not totally broken like Daemon’s ability, it could reflect (nin or gen)Jutsu but not taijutsu or ninja weapon attacks.